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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

'The Secret Life of Plants'

PQ writes about The Secret Life of Plants, a work that he first heard about while reading RAW's Cosmic Trigger. Surprisingly, the documentary based upon the book turned out to have another RAW connection: "The other important thing I want to point out is a funny synchronicity---as I mentioned, I'd originally heard about The Secret Life of Plants through a passing mention in Robert Anton Wilson's synchronicity-filled book Cosmic Trigger. Another memorable part of that book is RAW's discussion of the Dogon tribe in Africa that possesses an uncanny knowledge of the solar system, the universe, and especially the star Sirius. Long before scientific instruments could even prove it, this isolated primitive tribe knew that Sirius had another star orbiting around it. Not only that, they knew this second star takes exactly 50 years to make a full cycle."

I have been meaning to read more about the Dogon and Sirius and haven't gotten around to it. Real soon now, as the fans say.


fyreflye said...

The Sirius "mystery" was fueled by this book:
Those awful folks at The New Inquisition though are skeptical:

michael said...

In Half Asleep In Frog Pajamas by Tom Robbins he writes about not the Dogon, but the "Bozo" tribe near Timbuktu. They seem based on the Dogan. And furthermore, Robbins has a Timbuktu University that has QUITE the stellar faculty:

Burnt Corky said...
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Burnt Corky said...

You guys should summons Khem Caigain [] on this one. He was Harry Smith's apprentice for many, many years, and happened to anonymously illustrate a very (in)famous book in his teens. If you've read The Sirius Mystery, you will know the Harry Smith connection.

I've spent the better part of 5 years intensely studying The Secret Life of Plants and its companion books. I have been as profoundly influenced by it as I have by Cosmic Trigger and Prometheus Rising... if not more, speaking from a long-term, trans-generational aspect

Much love,

Aidan IC

Anonymous said...

Somewhere on Youtube there were (are?) a couple of long interviews with John Anthony West, who spent a lot of time with the Dogon and has a lot to say about the Sirius connection and more.

annonymous said...

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