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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Steve "Fly" Pratt and John Sinclair news roundup

Some months ago, Steve "Fly Agaric" Pratt wrote me and asked if I'd pen a press release for the new album he did with John Sinclair, the famous countercultural icon. I said sure. I asked Steve to send me some quotes. I didn't hear back. I forgot to remind him. Time passed, and I got busy with other stuff, and the album was released. So Steve, sorry the press release didn't get written, how about a blog post at my blog?

Here is the official press release on the album, which features Steve's music and Sinclair's words. The Guardian article is here.  It links to a stream of the album.

And here is the direct link to the stream:

Steve also wrote to me recently to tell me about an article online about a legal case involving Sinclair.

Steve wrote, "I wanted to turn you onto one of the most detailed descriptions of the Sinclair trial i have ever come across, by Hugh Buck Davis.

On reading, i found myself stumbling into the universe of 'Schroedinger's Cat' and some flashbacks to Illuminatus!"

1 comment:

Steve Fly said...

Cheers Tom. I would be thrilled to craft a post for RAWillumin. Who knows, maybe you can get on board for our next release around about the fall. It features Kozmic trumpet genius Michael Ray, and currently a work in progress.Thanks for the support, hail eris!