Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. Blog, Internet resources, online reading groups, articles and interviews, Illuminatus! info.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Let's talk about online reading groups

We  haven't done an online reading group for awhile. I have in mind two that could be done this year.

Email to the Universe, which has just been republished in the definite Hilaritas Press edition, is one of my favorite Robert Anton Wilson books, so I'd welcome a discussion. Maybe in May or June?

Eric Wagner also has expressed interest in an online discussion for Pale Fire, my favorite Vladimir Nabokov novels. The use of footnotes in the book influenced RAW's use of footnotes in The Widow's Son. Maybe start that discussion a few weeks after the Email discussion ends?

I could lead either or both of those, if need be, but I'm also open to having a guest blogger lead the discussion, and I'd participate on the comments, along with everyone else. That certainly worked out well for the Cosmic Trigger discussion, which was led by Charles Faris. (I wrote to Charles at the beginning of the year to see if he wanted to write anything else for the blog. His plans then were  uncertain, but anything he wants to offer would be welcome anytime.) If you are interested in serving as a guest blogger, email me.

What are your thoughts?


Rarebit Fiend said...

I'd love to participate. It's been a few years since I've read "Email" so I look forward to it. I need to order my Hilaritas edition anyways. I also love Nabokov- I do have to point out that RAW's footnotes pertained equally if not more to the novels of Flann O'Brien. I'd be happy to lead one of the groups if you'd like.

Oz Fritz said...

I will try to participate with whatever book is chosen, time permitting.

I think The Third Policeman, a brilliant book, also influenced RAW'S use footnotes in The Widow's Son.

Dustin said...

I'm all in on Email, only read it once so far. Nabokov would be new territory for me. So would O'Brien.

Eric Wagner said...

I think both groups would help us bid no trump. Oz, have you seen "Celine and Julie Go Boating"? Its use of magick made me think of you.

Steve Fly said...

Yes please, i missed the previous reading groups here.

Oz Fritz said...

Eric, no I haven't seen it. I'll look for it, thank-you.

Eric Wagner said...

Oz, I love "Celine and Julie Go Boating". David Thomson considers it one of the greatest films ever made. It has not come out on DVD in the US, alas. The whole movie functions magickally, with tarot and ritual thrown in.

kath / AliaK said...

will try follow along - might not get much read, but I just bought the ebook so will give it a go. thanks

Ricardo Feral said...

Cool idea! Will the discussion happen here on the blog, or is there a forum of some sort?

Cleveland Okie (Tom Jackson) said...

It will be right here on the blog.