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Saturday, March 20, 2021

Joseph Matheny ebook giveaway


Joseph Matheny is giving away free ebooks of perhaps his best known title. Ong's Hat: The Beginning (Authorized Version) is available free as a Kindle, starting today and through Wednesday. Matheny says the "Kindle challenged" may download a PDF instead. Matheny previously gave away copies of Liminal and Xen

"I would ask you all one favor. Many have written to express gratitude for the free books and even to tell me how much they are enjoying them. While ratings are not the reason I give books away, I do it because I love sharing books, I ask that if you have a minute, please rate the Kindle books so I can receive better recommendations on the Amazon juggernaut. I write these things to share information and that works better if more people are exposed to it," he says. 

Part Three of the Liminal Cycle will be announced soon. To sign up for Matheny's newsletter, go here.  

1 comment:

Joseph Matheny said...

Appreciate the props. Cheers.