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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Timothy Leary's 'Mind Mirror' available again

Timothy Leary's classic computer game, Mind Mirror, billed as "a trippy journey through your own mind," is available again. You can for example buy it here. 

Boing Boing's Rob Beschizza explains, "An obscure classic computer game, Timothy Leary's Mind Mirror, is once again on offer through Steam, GoG and other online storefronts. Long only playable on modern machines with some geeky tinkering around, the modern downloads just work."

More from Rob's post at Boing Boing. 


Anonymous said...

Man, I loved that game. -ERW

Anonymous said...

Play "Mind Mirror" in your browser for free via the Internet Archive:

phodecidus said...

I tinkered around this game and discussed my findings on the Maybe Logic Academy ~15 years ago. It was a pleasure to tinker around with it again. I'm aware the game is available for free online, but I shelled out the $5 to encourage more work in this area.