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Sunday, July 21, 2024

'Magick Show' Kickstarter continues

The Kickstarter for Magick Show, the Richard Metzger "documentary collection," is continuing. See the website for updates. As of today, $27,757 was pledged toward the $65,000 goal, and there were 29 days to go.

Here is a profile of Grant Morrison from the Times (of London) that mentions Magick Show. ("Morrison has now offered to share his skills, agreeing to cast spells and create personalised magical symbols to donors to a Kickstarter fundraising appeal for Magick Show, a documentary on modern occultism created by Richard Metzger, the American broadcaster and author.")

The Dangerous Minds website has been doing daily "Magick Show Diary" pieces with various guests; scroll down for Douglas Rushkoff interviewing Metzger about the project. Sign up for a newsletter at the website.