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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

New Hilaritas podcast will turn tables on Mike Gathers

The first episode of a Mike Gathers video series on the Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness, about 18 minutes long. 

Mike Gathers is usually the guy asking the questions when the Hilaritas Press podcast is released every month. But when Maybe Day is celebrated on July 23, next week, he'll be on the podcast answering questions.

"Our next podcast,  coming on Maybe Day July 23rd,  will feature Zach West interviewing Mike Gathers about the 8 Circuit Model," Rasa reports. "They had an amazingly good discussion on the subject."

Rasa also says he's been looking at videos on YouTube on the Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness, and says the ones by Mike are reliably good. Here is a playlist. 

As for the other videos, Rasa remarks, "Some are certainly better than others, but it’s interesting to see the differences." Here is one of the others. 

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