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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Oz Fritz on the 23 enigma

Oz Fritz' contribution to the Maybe Day celebrations is a new blog post, "The 23 Enigima & The Western Lands by William S. Burroughs."  Here is a paragraph that might perhaps give you the idea:

"The 23 Enigma – encountering a network of synchronicities and coincidences related to the number 23 – seems quite familiar to many readers of Robert Anton Wilson. He laid out his experience with this phenomenon in Cosmic Trigger – the Final Secret of the Illuminati. Multiple listings to Twenty-three appear in the Index beginning with William Burroughs telling him about it and recurring frequently until nearly the end of the book. The importance of this engima to Wilson's Hermetic development cannot be overstated. He compared it to the flash of insight Dr. James Watson received walking down a spiral staircase leading him to consider DNA as spiral-shaped, an intuitive hunch that led to cracking the DNA code. This opened up the world of Science and applied Technology to all kinds of new beneficial healing advances for humanity. '23 was my spiral staircase, my intuitive signal.' ( CT I p. 46, Hilaritas). The 23 Enigma served as an entry point for Wilson to crack, actually more like construct, the code of numerology and correspondence found in the science of Cabala. I contend that this also brought beneficial healing advances for some parts of humanity through his writing and teaching."

The new blog post is the third in Oz' "on contemporary and ancient Books of the Dead." Links to the first two posts are at the top of the post. 

1 comment:

Oz Fritz said...

Thanks for this. I had a small sync with it. On Thursday morning I was waiting to take a medical test. I just finished texting a client of mine named Bri, short for Brianna. I logged onto this site and had about 30 seconds to look at this post when a medical assistant called me in and introduced herself as Brianna.

The premise of my blog suggests that 23 indicates the Bardo. Researching for a book Introduction I'm writing I came across this on p. xxiii of Tripping the Bardo with Timothy Leary by Joanna Harcourt-Smith: "The Bardo was why Timothy Leary took LSD so often – not to "party" or get high, but to learn how to "die" to trail-blaze the final frontier of consciousness."

Watching the new Ghostbusters film on Netflix. Somewhere around 20 - 30 minutes in the camera shows a readout on the new containment center and it shows 00023.