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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Robert Shea on the 'Illuminatus!' book covers


On X, Grouchogandhi, K.S.P. posts a letter from Robert Shea about the covers of the original Dell paperbacks of Illuminatus! 

It's a June 28, 1975 letter from Shea to Greg Hill. The relevant text says, "I'm enclosing copies of the cover proofs for the first two volumes of Illuminatus! Hope  you like them, Wilson and I both do. Amazingly the artist, Carlos Victor, is Argentinian and doesn't speak a word of English. He had to have the book described to him by Fred Feldman, the editor who is working on it. Marvelous job by Feldman, the interpreter and the artist." 

Apparently the full name of the artist was Carlos Victor Ochagavia. 

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