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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Steve 'Fly" Pratt paints the van to promote Illuminati Records Ltd.

Steve "Fly" Pratt has painted a van in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to publicize his launch of Illuminati Records Ltd., his music project to support Bobby Campbell's Tales of Illuminatus project.

In his latest Substack newsletter, Steve writes, "I recently found some spray paint on the street while biking and decided to use it to construct some art. I like the challenge of not choosing the colour scheme, using what I was gifted from some unknown painter who probably ditched the Montana Black aerosol after some street activity. 

"Over three days, and in all weather conditions I decorated the guest caravan at Green Tribe Amsterdam: a self-sustaining community of alternative culture, art, and agriculture based in Amsterdam."

Steve also posted images, of which the above is one. 

Maybe Day is Tuesday! 

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