Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. Blog, Internet resources, online reading groups, articles and interviews, Illuminatus! info.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

All of the online discussion groups are still here

I moderate the comments for this blog. I don't censor anyone, but it's either do moderate or allow lots of spam, some of it pretty vile, to be posted to the blog entries.

The comments pop up for moderation regardless of whether they are commenting on a new blog post or one that went up years ago. That's how I know that someone named Louis Taylor has been reading Prometheus Rising and posting to the blog posts, dating back to 2020, for  the Prometheus Rising online reading group I hosted here. For example, Louis posted to this episode. 

I am quite pleased about this, as I've been careful to maintain links, on the right side of this page, to the various  online reading groups hosted here over the years. When you are reading or re-reading a Robert Anton Wilson book, in many cases you can use this blog to compare your thoughts and impressions with others from folks in the RAW fandom community.

I  have online reading  groups archived for Prometheus Rising, the  Hilaritas Press version of Natural Law, Nature's God, Illuminatus, The Widow's Son, The Earth Will Shake, Email to the Universe, Cosmic Trigger 1, Coincidance, Masks of the Illuminati, and Quantum Psychology. There have even been a couple of reading groups for non-RAW books: Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov and The Beethoven Quartets by Joseph Kerman. 

Note also the Jechidah blog has had a couple of reading groups. The Lion of Light reading group begins with this post.  The Sex, Drugs & Magick reading group begins with this post.  Ishtar Rising starts here. 

Speaking of which, we haven't done an online reading group for awhile. What would make sense? Schroedinger's Cat? Cosmic Trigger 2? Moby Dick, maybe? 



Moby Dick sounds great. Bob loved that book.

Spookah said...

A Schroedinger's Cat reading group would be fantastic, but not everyone will have the same book (perhaps fittingly?)
I for one only have the cut omnibus Dell version.

Perhaps something RAW-adjacent, such as Leary's Chaos and Cyberculture, Digital McLuhan, Shea's All Things are Light, Burroughs' The Western Land?
I have John Higgs' William Blake vs The World on top of my to-read list.

But perhaps we should put the 'raw' back in our RAW studies and go through The New Science, Critical Path or Science and Sanity.

I would actually be up for reading Moby Dick. Or Gravity's Rainbow.

Anonymous said...

Schrodinger's Cat gets my vote

Eric Wagner said...

Moby Dickandr Schroedinger's Cat seem like great choices. I would prefer to read the former right now. Does anyone else want to vote? I wonder which one Tom would prefer to work on.