Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. Blog, Internet resources, online reading groups, articles and interviews, Illuminatus! info.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Bobby Campbell 'Tales of Illuminatus' world tour! (in Maryland and Delaware)


In his latest Tales of Illuminatus newsletter, Bobby Campbell announces September dates in Maryland and Delaware where you can meet Bobby and his collaborator, artist Todd Purse, at a series of events promoting the release of the first issue. The events are Sept. 6 in Wilmington, Delaware; Sept. 14-15 in Rockville, Maryland, at the Small Press Expo, and Sept. 18 in Wilmington. Please see the newsletter for more details. 


Spookah said...

In the latest page of Tales of Illuminatus, I noticed that the lights at the windows of the Finnegans Wake bar are the same than the logo here at rawillumination. I thought that was a cool nod.

Bobby Campbell said...

Good catch, Spookah! I was hoping someone would notice that :))) I've tried to embed mini easter egg hunts throughout the comic. I love that kinda stuff!

Cleveland Okie (Tom Jackson) said...

Bobby has been very kind in doing artwork to help me promote this blog.