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Friday, August 9, 2024

Friday links [UPDATED]

 Another track from Steve Pratt's  Tales of Illuminatus album, The First Trip. 

Video of @amoebedesign RAW book covers. 

Link between RAW writings and the New Right? I've seen similar arguments before. UPDATE: On Twitter, Ong's Hat (i.e. Joseph Matheny) writes, "I can't even begin to point out the errors in the RAW/REW thread, including the mislabeling of "Augmented  Reality Game." Augmented Reality is something entirely different from "Alternative Reality Gaming," and Wilson worked with Leary at Playboy. Feh!"

David Lynch health update. 

Drug trafficking at U.S. borders is done by U.S. citizens, not immigrants. 

Marijuana sales  have begun in Ohio,  here is my article about one dispensary. 


Joseph Matheny said...

Was in a rush and typoed the hell out of that post.

"I can't even begin to point out the errors in the RAW/RW thread, including the mislabeling of "Augmented Reality Game." Augmented Reality is something entirely different from "Alternative Reality Gaming," and Wilson worked with Leary at Playboy? Feh!"

There, I fixed it.

Rob Pugh said...

I can see the general thrust of the RAW right wing argument. I'd be curious to read a more thorough refutation of the idea. I mean, it seems to me that he mostly disregarded most standard right/left biases, and the false dichotomy itself, but the Guns & Dope Party and his writings labelled 'anti-feminist' easily lend themselves. Plus, imo, most of the tools he seemed to advocate for consciousness change cross the artificial and inaccurate left/right construct pretty easily. And the similarities of his approach to Chaos Magick and whatnot seems obvious. I'm pretty sure, iirc at least, that I was first exposed to those concepts through him. Possibly through Grant Morrison name checking him as an influence. And that's before even getting into what defines or categorizes "New Right" "Alt Right" vs traditional conservative, etc.