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Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday links


Cover of an issue of Factsheet Five addressed to Kerry Thornley. From the Discoridian Achives. On Twitter, Grouchogandhi KSP says that Thornley "had a recurring column published in the zine as 'Conspiracy Corner'.”

 Stonehenge Has a Scottish Heart

New space launch startup. 

Thread on the Albigensian Crusade,  the subject of Robert Shea's All Things Are Lights. 

Eric Wagner reports that Joyce scholar Shelly Brivic died four  years ago. "Bob Wilson made reference to Brivic's work. I got to meet Brivic at the North American James Joyce Conference in 2011. I've read and enjoyed most of his books, and his talks really impressed me," Eric says. 

Google map of horror movie  locations. 

1 comment:


Thank you for sharing this. Brivic wrote a novel shortly before his passing which I have not read yet.