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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

New RAW Semantics blog post: 'TSOG 2025'

The RAW Semantics blog has a new blog post up: "TSOG 2025 -- & other scenarios." The main focus is on certain eccentric, wealthy right wingers in the U.S., but it's also a bit of a roundup, with great anecdotes about shopping for RAW books, including a possible encounter with Eckart Tolle. I still try to be a kind of techno optimist, but there's no denying Brian has found some depressing aspects of Silicon Valley. There's also a heartfelt defense of the National Health System. An interesting blog post, you'll have no trouble reading the whole thing. 

Probably related: Brian also  has left X/Twitter and you can now find him at Bluesky (


Brian Dean said...

Bluesky seems quieter, less crowded, more civilised than Musk's Toxic Playpen (I know: a silly evaluation based on looking at a tiny sample of screens). One nice surprise, among the handful of people I "followed" there, John Shirley - an author I've long been a fan of - not only followed me back, but posted a link to my blog and also replied to me. I wasn't aware of him at all on Elon's Tool. Also discovered that author Nick Harkaway is a RAW reader (or has been). Thanks again for the blog mention, Tom.

Cleveland Okie (Tom Jackson) said...

Search my blog to read my Nick Harkaway posting!

Brian Dean said...

Fascinating, thanks. I had no idea (not having read 'Gnomon' or apparently your 2019 post). I've read his 'Titanium Noir' (promoted as a mashup of Philip K. Dick and Raymond Chandler) and 'Angelmaker'. He used to follow my old 'News Frames' Twitter account and I recall discussing with him something to do with a CERN announcement about something big happening in the universe.