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Thursday, August 15, 2024

News: Tales of Illuminatus, Magick Show


Bobby Campbell has followed his schedule and released a new bit of his Tales of Illuminatus project. Go here for all of the comic so far. 

Bobby also has put out a new Tales of Illuminatus newsletter.  Please see it for all of the news. In one item, Bobby notes that although the Kickstarter project for the comic book project has made its goal, you might want to make  pledge, anyway:

"Speaking of which, just about 1 more week left on our pre-sale! First edition print copies of TOI #1 are likely to be hard to come by after we do KS fulfillment and SPX, so LMK if you want me to save you a copy by pre-ordering here." 

In other Kickstarter news, another project I've been mentioning here, Richard Metzger's "Magick Show" documentary project, has made its goal.  As of Thursday morning, there were $71,870 in pledges, exceeding the $65,000 goal, with four days to go.

The Dangerous Minds website has come back to life in connection with the Kickstarter, so if you are interested in magick, check it out. For example, on Sunday there will be a free online "WITCH-A-THON," featuring Metzger and various guests. 

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