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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

RAW movie club update: 'All That Jazz'

My last announcement for the RAW movie club, i.e. the ongoing project to watch the movies on Robert Anton Wilson's 100 favorite movies,  has hit a delay. I did mean to watch it earlier, but did not get around to trying to start it until Sunday. Then I found that it was not on Tubi after all. It is currently listed as "coming Sept. 1." I can't find it available for streaming anywhere else in the U.S. I have put the DVD on hold at the local library. 

I'm not sure what I did wrong. Was it there in July or did Tubi take it away for a month? In any event, I will finally watch it one way or another in the next few weeks, blog about it here, and then announce the next movie. 

At least I have plenty of other things to read and watch. I am reading the Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke, re-reading Wilson's Cosmic Trigger 2: Down to Earth, rewatching Twin Peaks and will read The Sex Magicians, which I expect will be out soon. 


Eric Wagner said...

I love "All That Jazz". My second year of teaching high school film history in 2005, I decided to watch all of the films on Bob's 100 list. I enjoyed the process.

Lvx15 said...

I know Criterion did a release of it and they have their own streaming platform. I wonder if that platform might have many of the films on yr list.