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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Reading groups: Moby Dick, The Sex Magicians

Illustration for Moby Dick from a 1902 edition; source. 

We haven't had an online reading group in awhile. In a comment Rarebit Fiend makes a suggestion:

"If y'all would like this, we could do Moby Dick here -- I imagine it will be a lengthier book group. On Jechidah we can do a reading group for The Sex Magicians here in a month or so tandemly. (It's a pretty light-while-hot-and-heavy read. It won't do much to distract from Dick.) I need to make my Bumper Book "preview" post and then I can make an announcement if that sounds good."

I think it makes sense to do both reading groups, Moby Dick here and The Sex Magicians at the Jechidah blog.  Eric Wagner commented that Schrödinger's Cat is closely related to The Sex Magicians. The latter also is closely related to Illuminatus!, and there's bound to be renewed interest in Illuminatus! because of the Tales of Illuminatus project. 

There's quite a bit of interest from people who took time to comment in doing a Schrödinger's Cat reading group, and I think it would be logical to do that next. 

Give me a bit of time to figure out a reading schedule for Moby Dick and reach out to the folks who have expressed interest in helping me post about it. 


Spookah said...

Tom Jackson, may I ask what made you suggest Moby Dick in the first place?
It was the only non-RAW title that you came up with and, although I liked the idea, I wondered if that was supposed to be a joke. Have you read it before?
Very much looking forward to it!

Cleveland Okie (Tom Jackson) said...

I have been meaning to re-read it, and Eric suggested it in an email to me some time ago. I hope everyone is OK with 'Moby Dick,' I don't want to disappoint the 'Cat' fans.

Eric Wagner said...

Bob Wilson loved Moby Dick, and reading it will help one understand his books, I think. It even shows up in Schroedinger's Cat.

Oz Fritz said...

I like the plan of the opening post. I preferred starting with Moby Dick over Schrödinger's Cat because I'm much more familiar with the latter. I've only read about the famous whale once, several years ago, and would like to dive into it again in depth (this also describes a scene in the book toward the end, if memory serves). I read the Cat as recently as 2022 a few months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and was startled to find a mention and connection of Ukraine with one of the characters, Hugh Crane, in conjunction with a nuclear holocaust. I look forward to a SC reading group following the MD one.

Eric Wagner said...

Cool, Oz. I will have to buy a copy of The Sex Magicians and find my favorite copy of Moby Dick in a box in the garage. I ran across it a few years ago, so I hope I can locate it relatively quickly. I haven't listened to Led Zeppelin's "Moby Dick" for years.

Oz Fritz said...

I listened to Moby Dick about 3 or weeks ago, the live version from Zeppelin's album, How the West Was Won

Grouchogandhi said...

Yes, Moby-Dick. I named a beloved cat Daggoo.