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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Some Discordian documents

Grouchogandhi, KSP has continued to post Discordian documents on X/Twitter, many of them related to the subject of this blog. Here are some recent ones that caught my eye. Above, a headline from an Andy Borowitz piece, I think from the New Yorker.

A Robert Anton Wilson form letter from 1976.

Robert Anton Wilson's prank letter to to an official in the Christian Crusade about the threat posed by Beethoven. (This refers to the Christian Crusade publications about the Beatles being a Communist threat, referenced in Illuminatus!) When I mentioned the letter had no date, Adam Gorightly commented, "No exact date, but seemed clear to me this was among the OM letters RAW sent out at the time he and Shea were working on Illuminatus. These letters started in '68 and it was kind of a short-lived phase around the same time that the Garrison investigation was in full flight."

Follow Grouchogandhi, KSP for more. 

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