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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday synchronicities

Wills House in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, with a sign explaining that President Abraham Lincoln completed the Gettysburg Address there. 

Like many RAW fans, I enjoy synchronicities. A couple lately that I ran into:

1. Thursday I bought The First Trip, Steve Pratt's companion album for Tales of Illuminatus.  Friday I hit the road for Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, for a reunion of my wife's relatives. (My wife grew up about half an hour away from the famous battle; Confederate troops passed through her small town.) I drove much of the day. Friday evening I walked past a building in Gettysburg where a sign informed me that it was the location where President Abraham Lincoln had finished writing the famous Gettysburg Address. Friday night in my hotel room in Gettysburg I finally got to listen to Steve's album and found a "The Gettysburg Address" track (track no. 10). (It's a good album, by the way; more soon.)

2. I know a bunch of science fiction fans who are current and former members of APA-50, and this week we have been sending emails on an email list. When writing about my old science fiction club at the University of Oklahoma in the 1970s, I mentioned that famed fan artist Teddy Harvia probably was the best known member. An old friend of mine, Ken Gammage, responded, "I just sent a long LoC to Bruce Gillespie praising Teddy Harvia! Jung and Sting are right!"

1 comment:

Bobby Campbell said...

We took the kids out to Gettysburg, jeez about 8 years ago, and the main thing they remember is how much they loved General Pickett's Buffet, so if you're looking for somewhere to eat, that's the place!