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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Tales of Illuminatus Kickstarter ending, publication will be soon


The weekly Tales of Illuminatus Substack came out today, and as usual Bobby Campbell has an update to the comic and also some news:

"The kickstarter ends tomorrow, though there’ll be a brief 'late pledge' period for last minute orders, because we don’t actually go to press until Sept 8th. TBH I kinda eased up on screaming about it, because I kinda hit a point of diminishing returns on yelling “BUY MY BOOK!” at strangers, and thought that energy was best spent making it a book worth hollering about. I guess we’ll see!

In any event, BUY MY BOOK!"

In the newsletter, Bobby also reveals what he published about the project in The Magnet, Mark Fraunfelder's newsletter, and offers another track from The First Trip by Illuminati Records Ltd. (e.g. Steve "Fly" Pratt). I just bought it. Find it at Bandcamp. 

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