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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Update on 'Magick Show' Kickstarter

I've been hitting the Kickstarter for Tales of Illuminatus pretty hard, but there's another Kickstarter I have also been writing about and it's time for an update.

Kickstarter provides an element of drama; if the campaigns don't meet the goal, the project fails and isn't funded. The Magick Show Kickstarter launched by Richard Metzger is now $40,648 toward a goal of $60,000, with 15 days to go. (Tales of Illuminatus has $2,182 pledged toward $2,300 with 19 days to go).

Both projects obviously still need support. For more on the Magick Show documentary project, see the link to the Kickstarter, but see also the daily updates and features at Dangerous Minds. 


Spookah said...

The last Sitting Now podcast features Richard Metzger talking about the Magick Show.

Richard Metzger said...

This is so nice! Thank you so much!