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Saturday, September 7, 2024

A classical music cornucopia

Pianist Angela Hewitt. Publicity photo by James Katz from her official website. Try her Scarlatti recordings. 

One of the reasons I like Robert Anton Wilson's writings is that I share many of his interests; he had a strong interest in classical music, an interest that's also share by some of his other fans, such as Eric Wagner and myself.

So I thought I would mention here that Hoopla Digital, a digital streaming service offered by nearly all public libraries in the U.S., has an excellent selection of classical music albums.  That catalog received a major boost in the last few months when it added record labels such as Hyperion and Naxos. I have lately been listening to albums by Canadian classical pianist Angela Hewitt, who is now available on Hoopla because she's a Hyperion artist.

I wrote about Hoopla's expanded music offerings on my Substack, and also in a newspaper article.

When I was young, I had to spend a fair amount of money and time to assemble a small classical music library of recordings. Now, there's a vast library of recordings available to everyone. 

Although I am dwelling here on Hoopla's music, it also has TV shows, movies, comic books (quite a bit of Alan Moore), audiobooks, ebooks and documentaries. 

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