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Monday, September 16, 2024

Jetchidah previews the new magic book by Alan Moore and Steve Moore


The Jechidah blog has a preview of The Moon and Serpent Bumper Book of Magic, the book by Alan Moore and Steve Moore that will be released on October. There's an outline of the planned contents, plus Gregory explains why the book is so important to him and why he's been awaiting it for years. 

"In many ways, the past sixteen years have felt like a fuse leading to this pure exposition of magic by my living hero."

"We also have the first Long London novel, The Great When by Alan Moore, coming out the first week of October. Magic is afoot.

"Consider Alan Moore, the closest we're ever going to get to Merlin or Prospero, upon his mouldering isle. Consider where we are and open yourself to the possibility of 'real' magic. Things can only get better."

More here. 


Bobby Campbell said...

There was a copy of this at SPX! I immediately tried to buy it before the show even opened, but it was for display purposes only :((( But it does indeed now exist and looks awesome!

Rarebit Fiend said...

@Bobby- It's just as well, as I would have had to come steal it from you and it would have just been a whole "thing."

Bobby Campbell said...

Very fair enough! Though I did manage a flip through of the sacred volume in the early morning hours before the convention reopened Sunday morning, and very much welcome an inception style heist to steal my memories :)))

Eric Wagner said...

I enjoyed the review.