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Thursday, September 26, 2024

'Tales of Illuminatus' paper copies are shipping

In his latest Substack newsletter, Bobby Campbell offers another update to the online version of Tales of Illuminatus and provides a report on the shipping of paper copies:

"Orders have been placed and print/shipping files have been provided for our KS fulfillment of Tales of Illuminatus! #1 :)))

"North American orders are being printed and shipped by

"Who estimate orders should arrive by October 14th, though they also note that they are currently being hit by a hurricane, so we might have to give them a day or two of grace.

"European orders are being printed and shipped by

"Who haven't provided a solid date yet, but mostly because they're shipping to darn near every country on the continent, so the shipping prices are still being worked out."

Please read the whole thing for Steve "Fly" Pratt music news and for other news. 

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