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Sunday, September 1, 2024

The 'Sex Magicians' podcast is quite interesting

 Is The Sex Magicians a porn book written for a quick buck, an Illuminatus outtake, an exploration of sex magick or a combination of all three? 

These issues are explored in the two supplemental essays in The Sex Magicians.  The introduction by Michelle Olley discusses the 1970s book in context with the porn industry at that time and in contrast with modern attitudes about porn and sex. Gregory Arnott's afterword, "Tracking Down the Mama Vibe: Sexual Fantasy and the Nature of Magical Fiction," explores the sex magick aspect of the book.

Those discussions also are explored in the podcast, which is one of my favorite Hilaritas podcasts. Everybody seemed in top form. 

1 comment:

Oz Fritz said...

I really enjoyed this podcast. It convinced me to get the book.