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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

A new novel influenced by 'Illuminatus' [UPDATED]


Midnight's Simulacra by Nick Black is an ambitious novel clearly influenced by Illuminatus!. The names of the five sections of the book replicate the names of the five sections of Illuminatus!, and the apparently self-published book is credited to "Gold & Appel Publishing." It was published earlier this year, but I only heard of it the other day. 

Here is the official page for the book. Here is the Amazon page.   The reviews on Goodreads are rather mixed, but the people who like it intrigue me. I do want to try it, but I'm rather busy with Prometheus Awards reading, so I may not be able to get to it for awhile. 

UPDATE: On, Nick comments, "Hardly merely influenced; *Illuminatus* shaped much of my life and belief system."

Nick Black (via his account

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