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Tuesday, December 10, 2024

More from Scott Sumner

Illustration for Scott Sumner's first Substack newsletter. "The Cezanne painting on top is the visual representation of how I think about happiness. It hangs in the National Gallery in DC, and also on the wall of my living room."

Yesterday's update to the Moby Dick online reading group quoted Scott Sumner's comments on Chapter 42 of the book, "The Whiteness of the Whale." If that made you curious about Sumner, here are a couple of pointers to more of his writings.

Another blogger, Dan Frank, has put together a directory of some of Scott Sumnen's best blog posts.  Note that there are many movie reviews. 

Here is Robert Anton Wilson on the importance of reading different points of view: "I also read at least one periodical every month by a political group I dislike -- to keep some sense of balance. The overwhelming stupidity of political movements is caused by the fact that political types never read anything but their own gang's agit-prop."

Here is Scott Sumner making a similar point, in a piece I found using Dan Frank's directory: "Read material on both sides of the ideological spectrum, indeed on many different sides.  I subscribe to three magazines, which represent three different ideological perspectives.  (NYR of Books, The Economist, Reason.)  I also spend a lot of time reading the NYT, WSJ, FT, WaPo, National Review, Bloomberg, South China Morning Post, Yahoo and lots of other outlets—mostly online.  Don’t let your ideological bias affect how you view a news outlet."

Scott launched his Pursuit of Happiness Substack in September and there are already a number of posts. He isn't charging subscriptions so far, so everything is free. 

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