Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. Blog, Internet resources, online reading groups, articles and interviews, Illuminatus! info.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Saturday links


Via, caption, "An example of an official OHO card handed-out by Robert Anton Wilson during the 1970s. Courtesy of the Discordian Archives." From the account of Grouchogandhi, K.S.P.

"Noam Chomsky Has Been Proved Right."

Harvard just had a G.I. Gurdjieff conference. You can see what the program was. 

New Neal Stephenson interview. 

TV adaptation for Alan Moore's new novel. 

Science breakthroughs of 2024. 

Fortune tellers living in a Massachusetts city or town must obtain a license.  A one-year residency is required. 


Oz Fritz said...

The Chomsky book looks great!! I recently read Drift - The Unmooring of American Military Power by Rachel Maddow which seems in a similar vein.

Rarebit Fiend said...

I secured a loan from my then-boss to bid on Wilson's original OHO card on Ebay. I'll never forgive whoever it was who swept it out of my hands in the last few seconds.

michael said...

>Indeed, if I were asked whether a student would learn more about U.S. foreign policy by reading this book or by reading a collection of the essays that current and former U.S. officials occasionally write in journals such as Foreign Affairs or the Atlantic, Chomsky and Robinson would win hands down.

>I wouldn’t have written that last sentence when I began my career 40 years ago. I’ve been paying attention, however, and my thinking has evolved as the evidence has piled up.<'t...buh...breathe...tell...wife...I loved...her...(dead)