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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

'Ong’s Hat: COMPLEAT' released [UPDATE]

, a new multimedia version of Joseph Matheny's best-known work, has just been released.

In the newsletter announcing the release, Joseph writes:

"Ong's Hat: COMPLEAT is a multi-layered work designed to be experienced in various ways, depending on the experiencer's preferences and level of engagement.

Structure and Components

The work consists of three main elements:

Original Notes:  A PDF or EPUB document containing the author's initial draft, providing background information and links for further research.

Audio Conversations: Chapter-by-chapter discussions between Joseph Matheny and Sequoyah Kennedy, exploring the material in depth.

Transcripts: Written versions of the audio conversations allow readers to listen to or read the discussions. (Coming in print version)"

All of this can be ingested in any order, although the suggestion from Joseph is to start by reading the notes and then listening to the audio conversations or reading a transcription of them. 

More here, including links on where to buy from various vendors. 

UPDATE: I mentioned to Joseph that I like Bandcamp but I that I wondered if he had a preferred vendor among the options listed at the newsletter. He replies, "Bandcamp is fine. The Bandcamp download provides the audio and full ebook form pub or PDF versions of the text. The full, chapter by chapter breakout, divided into individual chapter directories is the bundle from SendOwl. If you plan to experience it as I describe in the video ( then the SendOwl version is the best. If you want to just download and listen/read in your preferred order then Bandcamp is fine. SendOwl gives us a larger share but not so much more that it really matters."



Orbific said...

I started reading/listening to this last night and I'm very impressed. I've listened to a lot of Joseph matheny's podcast appearances but, so far, this is going into much more detail.

Joseph Matheny said...

Thanks for the props.

Joseph Matheny said...

Glad you're enjoying it!