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Saturday, February 8, 2025

What I read last month

Alliance Unbound,
C.J. Cherryh and Jane Fancher. An enjoyable space opera. Cherryh continues to write very readable books after decades of producing SF novels.

Love and Loss: The Short Life of Ray Chapman, Scott Longert. A book about the Cleveland Indians shortstop who was hit in the head by a New York Yankee beanball pitcher in a 1920 game in New York and who died hours later. Also an interesting look at professional sports back in the day. 

Cancelled: The Shape of Things to Come, Danny King. I'm doing a lot of reading for the Prometheus Award. This one is a satiric novel about a woke, left wing Britain in which cancelled people are sent to concentration camps. Pretty well done, funny and grim. I had never  heard of the author before, but apparently he is prolific. 

Terra II ...A Way Out. Timothy Leary and collaborators. Inspirational Hilaritas Press reprint of a key Leary text. Here are some of my comments on the book. 

Knowledge, Reality, and Value: A Mostly Common Sense Guide to Philosophy, Michael Huemer. Feeling the need to get a general background in philosophy after getting interested in Epicureanism, I read this introduction, which is interesting and had plenty of humor. Among other opinions, Huemer is a libertarian and a vegetarian. 

Interstellar MegaChef, Lavanya Lakshminarayan. Another book I read as a Prometheus Awards judge, about a woman who flees Earth to participate in a cooking competition on another planet. Not terrible, but I have  no desire to read the sequel.

Waffle Irons vs. the Horde, Dr. Insensitive Jerk. Another Prometheus Awards assignment, an unusual novel by an unusual author. As with his other books, lots of cruelty, lots of amusing bits. 

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