From the "Conceptual Comics" section of
My wife once remarked I have friends who are "out there." I suspect this may be true. Well, here's some news for them.
UbuWeb, a site that collects avant-garde work, including music, art, experimental film and poetry, ceased adding new material last year and became an archive. But now it has been revived and is adding new material again.
A statement at the website, dated Feb. 1 says, "A year ago, we decided to shutter UbuWeb. Not really shutter it, per se, but instead to consider it complete. After nearly 30 years, it felt right. But now, with the political changes in America and elsewhere around the world, we have decided to restart our archiving and regrow Ubu. In a moment when our collective memory is being systematically eradicated, archiving reemerges as a strong form of resistance, a way of preserving crucial, subversive, and marginalized forms of expression. We encourage you to do the same. All rivers lead to the same ocean: find your form of resistance, no matter how small, and go hard. It's now or never. Together we can prevent the annihilation of the memory of the world."
The home page also has a huge list of what has been recently added to the site. Some of the names RAW fans will likely recognize include William S. Burroughs, Ezra Pound, Aleister Crowley, John Cage, Gilles Deleuze, Orson Welles and Allen Ginsberg. I spotted a couple of films by a Surrealist poet I am interested in, Charles Henri Ford. Happy exploring!
Oh, and here is the site's 1997 interview with Robert Anton Wilson, with Richard Metzger and Genesis P-Orridge.