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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Hilaritas podcast interviews Gabriel Kennedy

 The Hilaritas Press podcast released today features an interview of Prop Anon/Gabriel Kennedy, author of the Robert Anton Wilson biography, Chapel Perilous: The Life and Thought Crimes of Robert Anton Wilson. Zach West serves as the guest host for the episode, although regular host Mike Gathers does an intro.

The home page of the podcast has links to various Prop Anon sites and sites promoting the book, although as usual the podcast should be available in a wide variety of podcasting sites and apps. 


michael said...

Re: around 1:18:00: I got the letters straight from Kurt Smith who came over to my house in Berkeley one day and we hung out. Kurt was delightful and was convinced RAW was an unrecognized genius.

I didn't get the letters from Mike Gathers. Let's get that straight.

quackenbush said...

Michael J gave me one of Kurt's letters - the best of the best as I recall, which I published on RAW Michael connected me to Kurt and Kurt sent me a digitized copy of RAW's Politically Incorrect appearance which I published on YouTube.