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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Joseph Matheny announces big 'Ong's Hat: COMPLEAT' sale

Joseph Matheny has announced a sale for the Ong's Hat COMPLEAT package of an ebook and an audiobook. 

Starting today, and extending through Saturday, March 22, the U.S. Amazon site will offer the Kindle ebook for free. 

During that same time period, the accompanying audiobook at the SendOwl audiobook, ordinarily $14.99, will be offered at a 10% discount. Go to the website  and " enter your email and the discount code COMPLEAT-PRINT for 10% off on the audio bundle."

"That’s a $14.99 E-book free and a 10% off of the audio bundle.

As I’ve said numerous times, this work is in two parts. The text version is one half, and the audio is the other half—two components of a whole," Joseph writes.

More information here, including a video explaining the package and early reviews. 

1 comment:

Joseph Matheny said...

Thanks for the signal boost.