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Thursday, March 20, 2025

Mike Gathers on his planned book on the Eight Circuit model

Mike Gathers. Photo from the Mike Gathers Coaching website. 

Mike Gathers, known to many of you as the founder of the website and the host of the Hilaritas Press monthly podcast, is hard at work on his planned new book on the Eight Circuit model of consciousness invented by Timothy Leary and promoted by Robert Anton Wilson.

That's the news in his latest Substack newsletter, Intelligence Increase, his first newsletter in just over two years. 

Mike has some other writing topics he wants to pursue, but the Eight Circuit project is the main focus of the newsletter, which details how he has worked with Grok 3 to get going. 

"I went from fleshing out ideas that were half baked to generating a detailed outline of the book. I have been feeling recent pressure to write this book and haven’t made much progress in the six or so years I’ve been 'seriously' thinking about writing a book, but I have made a huge amount of progress in the last month," he writes.

The newsletter has an outline of many of the ideas Mike has come up with for the book, and more writing via Substack is promised soon. The newsletter is free. 


Eric Wagner said...

Great news!

Brian Dean said...

I read the emailed newsletter - it sounds absolutely fascinating. Looking forward to reading more.

quackenbush said...

Thanks, Tom. and Eric and Brian. I have the book outlined, now it's just up to writing. I plan to post the chapters to substack as I write them, it's just a matter of writing them....