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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

What I read last month

Waffle Irons vs. the Horde
, Dr. Insensitive Jerk. Oddball science fiction novel submitted for consideration for the Prometheus Award. Quite funny in places, original, also with an edge of cruelty.

midnight's simulacra, nick black. My review is here. My interview with nick will run shortly on this blog. 

The McCartney Legacy, Volume 1: 1969-73, Allan Kozinn and Adrian Sinclair. Very detailed chronicle of the first part of Paul McCartney's solo career, covering the first five albums, e.g McCartney, Ram, Wild Life, Red Rose Speedway and Band on the Run. A second volume is also out, apparently more are on the way. I wrote about the book here. Paul also has announced he is coming out with his own history of Wings. 

Straight Outta Dublin, Eric Wagner. I was one of the volunteer copyeditors for the book, so I read it all the way through. It's about James Joyce's influence on Robert Anton Wilson and also includes a substantial essay from Michael Johnson. You'll learn a lot when the book is published by Hilaritas Press. Rasa never announces a publication date and puts books out when they are ready, but I am guessing sooner rather than later. 

Invasion! Rome Against the Cimbri, 113–101 BC, Philip Matyszak. I read a lot of Roman and classical history, and although I focus on the later Roman Empire, I read a lot about other periods, too. One thing that surprised me was evidence that the Cimbri were Celts, i.e. more likely to be Gauls than German. 


Eric Wagner said...

Thank you for your help with "Straight Outta Dubin".

quackenbush said...

If all goes well, _Straight Outta Dublin_ will release 4/23. If all goes well.

PS. I have nothing to do with book releases, other keeping up with the status of things so I have a podcast ready to go with a Hilaritas book release. April and May pod episodes will (maybe) both feature Eric Wagner's brilliance.

Eric Wagner said...

Thank you, Mr. Quackenbush. Coincidentally, my seventh grade class read about Shakespeare and Cervantes yesterday in our history book. They both died on April 16, 1616.

Anonymous said...

Oops. They both died April 23. - EW